Tuesday, January 29, 2008


hi everyone,
i know we talked about graffiti yesterday. i just wanted to share a few images i have captured over the years. both, at least in my opinion, contain loaded political messages. the "smash capitalism" pic was taken in tijuana, mexico. the "BU..SH.." pic was taken in denver the first time i visited the city. it is no longer there however.
i know yesterday we spoke of the power of graffiti, whether it was aesthetically pleasing or not... while i appreciate works like the tank more, i do think there is a lot to be said about the second, more basic work...
let me know what you all think.


twenty something said...

I like the smash capitalism picture. Did you take that yourself in Mexico? I was going to ask what it was near and if you found more graffiti there that was engaging as opposed to Denver. Personally, I think it depends on the city in the US. Also, do you do your own stuff? If you do, you should put it up. You seemed to have an interest...

Tati said...

I also like the smash capitalism picture that you took in Mexico. The message seems to be quite clear that the artist wants to get rid of capitalism. However, I am a bit confused about the message of the first one. It says BU SH with gaps and underlines in between some of the letters. As the viewer are we supposed to add letters to make another message or is it simply just the word Bush?